
Google Algorithm Ranking Factors Revealed

Google Algorithm Ranking Factors Revealed Ruby Media Group Founder Kris Ruby spoke with Gizmodo about the latest Google Algorithm Leak. “SEO experts say a massive leak of 14,000 ranking features exposes the blueprint for how Google secretly curates the Internet.” Thousands of pages from Google’s internal Content API Warehouse detailing over 14,014 attributes related to… Read more »

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AI in Journalism

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Journalism   Artificial intelligence adoption expands to newsrooms across the country. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already having a significant impact on journalism, and this impact is likely to exponentially grow over the next decade. What does this mean for the future of journalism? Artificial intelligence will disrupt every industry, and yes,… Read more »

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Twitter Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence on Twitter:  An inside look at how Twitter used big data and artificial intelligence to moderate content Twitter AI: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Content Moderation How does Twitter use artificial intelligence and machine learning? Twitter uses large-scale machine learning and AI for sentiment analysis, bot analysis and detection of fake accounts, image classification… Read more »

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B2B Marketing Mistakes

Marketing mistakes hurt your top-line revenue. Failure in marketing happens when there is a breakdown in process, performance, or personality. Marketing mistakes are costly and damaging to your business. If a CMO recommends hiring an agency and the agency doesn’t perform, the CMOs job can be on the line, and future recommendations risk dying on… Read more »

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Clubhouse App: PR and Brand Marketing Strategy for Business

How to leverage Social Audio for Public Relations  Social media campaigns create an engagement layer with your current customers and your prospective consumers to show market value. Using X or Facebook for marketing spam and 1-to-1 promotion lacks critical engagement. Asking and answering questions and hosting Twitter Spaces will get your potential customers involved with… Read more »

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Cancel Culture | Brand Management

Cancel Culture | The Playbook for Defending Your Brand  Cancel culture was a key theme at the 2020 Republican National Convention but is it a real worry for brands? This branding expert says yes.     *Date last updated: July 2024 Has your company been impacted by cancel culture backlash? If so, you’re not alone. … Read more »

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