Tagged: machine learning

Google Algorithm Ranking Factors Revealed

Google Algorithm Ranking Factors Revealed Ruby Media Group Founder Kris Ruby spoke with Gizmodo about the latest Google Algorithm Leak. “SEO experts say a massive leak of 14,000 ranking features exposes the blueprint for how Google secretly curates the Internet.” Thousands of pages from Google’s internal Content API Warehouse detailing over 14,014 attributes related to… Read more »

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Google Gemini AI Toxicity Detection

Social Media & AI Analyst recently joined Fox News to discuss what went wrong with Google’s Gemini AI. Ruby was also featured on Fox Business discussing Gemini Toxicity.  GEMINI AI:  What is Google’s AI called? Gemini is Google’s new AI product. Bard is now Gemini. READ: Introducing Gemini: Google’s most capable AI model yet What… Read more »

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NY Times Vs. OpenAI Copyright Lawsuit

NYTimes suing OpenAI, Microsoft over copyright Ruby Media Group CEO Kristen Ruby tells ‘Fox News Live’ that plagiarism ‘does not benefit humanity,’ saying machine learning ‘circumvents’ copyright laws.   UNFAIR USE The New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft, accusing the AI company of using millions of the newspaper’s articles without permission to train artificial… Read more »

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Social Media Warfare

WATCH: Social media expert Kris Ruby joins ‘FOX News Live’ to discuss the rise of antisemitism on the social media platform TikTok and its impact on Jewish content creators. Social Media Warfare: Surviving the Israel-Hamas War on TikTok Fox News: Antisemitism Surges on TikTok “Every single platform is experiencing a rise in hate speech: Kris… Read more »

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AI in Journalism

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Journalism   Artificial intelligence adoption expands to newsrooms across the country. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already having a significant impact on journalism, and this impact is likely to exponentially grow over the next decade. What does this mean for the future of journalism? Artificial intelligence will disrupt every industry, and yes,… Read more »

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Section 230 of The Communications Decency Act

What is Section 230 of The Communications Decency Act? “Platforms are more or less immune from liability arising out of user-generated content.” It is important to preface this article by stating that Section 230 is currently one of the most controversial topics in America. Everyone has a different opinion on the future of the Internet… Read more »

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NY Social Media Strategist Kris Ruby on Fox News Discussing Social Media Algorithms

Social Media Algorithmic Misfire: Analyzing YouTube’s Notre Dame Algorithm Fail NYC Social Media Strategist Kris Ruby of Ruby Media Group was recently on Fox News discussing social media algorithms.  YouTube linked the Notre Dame fire to 9/11 and Twitter wrongly flagged tweets for sensitive content. Why can’t social media platforms get it right? Watch to… Read more »

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