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Marketing mistakes hurt your top-line revenue.
Failure in marketing happens when there is a breakdown in process, performance, or personality.
Marketing mistakes are costly and damaging to your business. If a CMO recommends hiring an agency and the agency doesn’t perform, the CMOs job can be on the line, and future recommendations risk dying on the chopping block. Not only is the agency’s reputation on the line- the CMOs is, too. This is why you must be able to quickly figure out:
- What can you do to make a VP of Marketing/ CMOs life easier?
- What do they really need help with? (hint: it’s usually not what they present as the problem.)
- What is leadership looking to see? How will the board evaluate success?
- Why are you being hired in the first place? Do they have a problem or are they looking for maintenance? (The presenting problem is not usually the real problem).
If you only form a relationship with the CMO/ VP of Marketing, you risk being cut out if they leave the organization or if no one else internally in the organization will rally for why you should be kept on board. This opens you up to the incumbent winning, a formal review, and an open RFP. Therefore, understanding marketing mistakes is not only in your best interest, but it is also in the VPs best interest, too.
When you make a marketing mistake, everyone loses. You risk losing the client. The client risks losing internal organizational trust. It is a bad look for everyone.
Marketing mistakes are complex.
Too often, roundup articles only address the tactical level of marketing mistakes. Unfortunately, these articles leave out the mistakes made between agencies and clients, leading to ultimate demise and failure. In this article, we have included a healthy mix of both.
Breakdowns occur at the tactical level and at the agency level.
You could have amazing performance with zero mistakes, but if the VP of Marketing has a different agenda, you risk being cut out.
Marketing mistakes do not only happen at the tactical level: they also occur at the relationship level.
How do you relate to the person who hired you? Do they like you as a person? Do they genuinely enjoy working with you? Do you make their life easier or do they find you annoying to work with? If someone else swoops in and tries to win the business, will they fight for you or rally to cut your agency?
A lack of investment in the overall client-agency relationships matters just as much as the tactical marketing mistakes made by an agency. In sales calls, I repeatedly hear from prospects that they like their agency and they are nice people, but they don’t perform to their standard. I also hear that their agency does amazing work, but the agency doesn’t communicate to their liking, doesn’t present well in meetings, or is unreliable and not dependable, thereby forcing them to seek alternative options.
Two things result in agency termination:
- Marketing & performance mistakes.
- Relationship & communication mistakes.
Performance Marketing Mistakes
Marketing takes effort and a solid investment of both time and resources.
You hire a PR firm to assist with media relations but ignore incoming media requests. You hire an SEO firm, but your website is built on Wix and has tons of broken links. You spend thousands of dollars per month on Google Adwords, but your click-through rate is declining because the campaign is not optimized for performance. You post duplicate content and tank your search engine rankings in the process. You sabotage the work of the agency you hired without even realizing it. Even worse, your agency may not realize it if they don’t know what to look for in the first place.
It is easy to blame an agency for these failures- but the truth is- responsibility and accountability must be shared between the agency and the organization. The agency also has an ethical responsibility to tell you what they can and cannot do for you. Unfortunately, this is all too rare, because most agencies want the additional business, which means offering services they should never offer because they aren’t an active practitioner in the space. Ie- tons of PR firms declare they offer SEO- yet almost 95% of said firms have never stepped foot in an SEO conference or understand how to track keywords. SEO firms declare they specialize in PR- which is also somewhat fraudulent because replying to queries on HARO and gaming the system for backlinks is not what PR is all about.
Unfortunately, you, as the client are stuck in the middle of this. You came to the firm with good intentions and you want to trust that they have your best interest in mind. It is better to work with a specialist than a generalist when it comes to digital marketing activities. Someone who claims to be an expert in everything is in actuality an expert in nothing. Your need for a full-service agency is perhaps one of the biggest marketing mistakes you are making- because it is nearly impossible to obtain true subject matter expertise when you are asking non-specialists to do specialist-level work for your company.
Would you hire a divorce attorney for commercial litigation work? Of course not. So why are you hiring a PR firm to manage your PPC campaign?
There is only one reason someone would do this: time. You want one person to manage all of it for you to save you time. In the process, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
What you perceive as saving time is actually a massive loss of time when you will have to hire a true specialist to come in and fix the work you thought you paid for but never got.
Hiring an agency is not enough to achieve tangible wins. You must work collaboratively with them to get the most out of the investment. If not, you are setting your money on fire. If you argue with their advice on a consistent basis, you are also setting your money on fire because it takes time away from the engagement that could otherwise be spent on execution.
It is easy to say – I hired someone and got nothing out of it.
But did you get nothing out of it? Or did you put nothing into it?
Failure is almost never achieved in a silo. If you want someone to share wins, you also have to be willing to share the loss- and that includes your role in not showing up for the work or going against the counsel of the practitioners you hired.
Day in and day out, I hear executives complain that they wasted money on an agency and didn’t get the results they were hoping to achieve. Like clockwork- the next line is- I bottlenecked the process- and- will I have to be involved in the process moving forward if we work together? The answer is yes.
Bottlenecking kills more marketing campaigns than anything else. Your need for control is costing you money. More than that, it costs people time, frustration, and mental anguish.
The agency you hire wants to do great work for you- but that only happens if you let them.
Now for the fun part. Let’s assume you are the perfect agency client. You show up to weekly strategy meetings every week and come prepared. You follow through on every action item. And yet, your marketing campaign still isn’t performing to your satisfaction. In that case, the problem really could be with the agency. Every campaign needs to be tweaked for optimization and performance.
Sometimes, a few simple tweaks can make the difference. But more than anything else, the number one issue I see is that the foundation that marketing and PR campaigns are built on is fundamentally cracked.
Instead of addressing the core issue, executives keep throwing money at the problem instead of the root cause.
It is easier and sexier to keep hiring a new agency for trendy tactics than it is to do the high-level strategy work that is necessary (remember Clubhouse?). Often, it is a hard sell to ask for the first three months of a campaign to be spent on strategy instead of execution. However, at our agency, we require it. Skipping this critical step can lead to negative results and a worse outcome.
Individual tactics can always be tweaked, but if they are being tweaked on top of quicksand, nothing you do will be sustainable to drive tangible wins.
Don’t have a website? A PR firm will think twice about working with you if they have nowhere to drive the media to.
The right PR and marketing agency will spend time asking these questions before they start working with you to make sure you have created the proper foundation for success.
If not, they will suggest creating it together over the first three months. The wrong PR firm will skip it and drill into tactics.
Buyer beware: you get what you pay for.
When you pay for tactics without a strategy, it is akin to paying for a car whose tires are going to fall off. Sure, you can drive- but where are you driving to?
If you have no end destination- you are throwing money at a problem and then become frustrated when the outcome isn’t what you expected.
But how can it be when you aren’t clear where you are going?
Marketing mistakes can impact the performance of your digital campaign.
What marketing mistakes should be avoided?
Marketing Agency Founders share simple changes that led to big results in digital marketing, advertising, and public relations campaigns.
- Jeff Coyle, MarketMuse, CEO
- Erik Huberman, Hawke Media, CEO
- Patrick Van Gorder, Level Agency, CEO
- Thomas Donohoe, Cuisine Solutions, CMO
Top B2B Marketing Mistakes
What are common mistakes in B2B Marketing? #MarketingFail
20 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
Marketing Mistake 1: Forgetting to stay in touch with prospects during the nurturing phase to keep selling them.
After people buy from you, you need to continue to drive lifetime value so that prospects will go back to buy more.
Most people have a blind spot when it comes to a purchase cycle or consideration period. There is a period between the time someone learns about your company and when they buy. All of the tracking in digital marketing has caused people to think that marketing happens instantly and that I show you an ad and you go buy the product. We constantly see people who run ads on Facebook for two days and go, oh, it’s not working and turn off the campaign. The problem is with knowing purchase cycles and averages. Two days will almost never be your average purchase cycle in that space.
In e-commerce, what we’ve seen is that the average purchase cycle for a $50 purchase is around three weeks; for $100, it is approximately five weeks, and for $200, it is about six weeks. Then it goes between two and three months for anything above that. Knowing that means that when you run ads, you have to wait weeks before you actually see their efficacy. You have to do things to make sure prospects convert at a high rate during that period of time.
For example, a brand was doing very well with Facebook ads and we recommended email marketing to further optimize the return on ad spend (ROAS) of the current digital marketing campaign. Email marketing can drive 25% of your revenue. We have seen email marketing triple clients’ returns on ad spend because they run ads and do nothing once they collect that information from the customer to continue to push them to buy.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 2: Shiny Object Syndrome.
A client recently talked about advertising on Pinterest and search advertising on other digital marketing channels. If you keep doing all of those channels, but you’re not doing anything deeper in the funnel, you will have a worse return. It is a competitive landscape, meaning other people who are doing things to help convert prospects will be able to spend a greater amount on acquiring a customer because they get a higher lifetime value and a higher conversion. They are going to beat you every time and drive your cost up. When you are not doing things to maximize that cost, you’re going to suffer as a business. By far, this is the number one thing I see broken in marketing.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 3: Not creating multi-channel content marketing structures.
Marketers only focus on the page that converts, but you have to be there at the top of the funnel to have the honor of being there at the bottom of the funnel.
Most sales and marketing teams are too focused on only one stage of the buying cycle or purchase cycle or that consideration cycle, but they aren’t there for the entire journey. The post-purchase troubleshooting & post-purchase champion development and getting them to be advocates for your company matters most. You need content that connects with the digital marketing campaign across every channel where prospects may be, or else they will get that information from someone else.
Whether you’re buying a sock or a $100,000 software product, there is a purchase journey and buying journey. In paid media, the expectation is that conversion will happen immediately by itself. This makes you undervalue your ad spend. That is the part that breaks people because they buy and are only attributing that instant gratification conversion leading you to mis-optimize and incorrectly optimize your media spend.
Imagine you turn off a campaign that has a delayed conversion or when you only keep that immediate gratification content on, you are cutting off a large potential revenue driver. From a paid media perspective, that delayed gratification can be supported by email marketing, organic community management, and other social media marketing components.
The most common marketing mistake made by demand generation professionals in B2B technology is believing that awareness-based content or consideration-based content isn’t important and demanding.
- Jeff Coyle, CEO, MarketMuse
Marketing Mistake 4: Focusing on the wrong metrics.
There is an art to digital marketing and data analysis.
Many CMOs forget that they are optimizing to the numbers that they have. In this day and age where marketers have access to a vast amount of data, the data is often misleading. A perfect example of this can be found by looking at the current tracking window on a Facebook post or team changes is seven days.
As little as a $50 average order value on a company. It takes three weeks for your average purchase. Yet Facebook is only tracking seven days.
For example, Facebook ad performance was looking horrible for our clients because right before that at the beginning of the year, it was a 28-day tracking window. Many clients said, ‘Our Facebook ads have completely collapsed from iOS 14.’ No, they haven’t. Your tracking window completely changed. It’s just a different number. It’s not that your performance has gone down, it’s that this little number you look at- the variable- changed. Understanding that is critical.
Even though we fool ourselves with attribution and trackability, it’s still an art. Be careful with how you look at the numbers. So many people just take the numbers at face value. Unfortunately, I think that might be one of the most devastating things to do in marketing because there is so much nuance involved.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 5: Mismatched search intent.
When companies go, we’re doubling down on keywords, beware.
Google is not a good place to create new demand for your product. Instead, it is a good place to answer existing demand for prospects that are already looking for you.
Unless you’re serving a function or building a brand that people recognize and you fulfill a service, Google is a lot harder to make money on as a lifestyle company.
Fashion and beauty brands are more driven by the lifestyle and feelings around them than they are by the function of the product.
For example, you don’t buy a shirt because you need a shirt; you buy a shirt because of that specific shirt. It’s the brand and you trust it and like what they stand for. In fashion, people are driven by emotional purchasing decisions. We worked with a luxury fashion brand and their entire marketing budget was allocated towards dresses and women’s fashion and related search terms on Google. They couldn’t figure out why things weren’t working well.
We were standing in a room and I asked a bunch of women in the room with a show of hands; who here has Googled the word dress recently and bought a dress? I spoke at a conference with 500 people in the crowd and only one person raised their hand.
The answer is almost never. That’s not how people behave or at least how luxury shoppers behave who know what they are looking for with an end goal in mind. The keyword must be correlated to the right part of the buyer’s journey paired with the correct search intent. People don’t go to Google to find fashion. Unless it’s very specific like I’m going to a Hawaiian party and I want to find a Hawaiian shirt, and I don’t even know a brand and I am brand agnostic. I’ll Google Hawaiian shirts, but it’s not a common practice.
The idea of bidding on the word dress, where all these mediocre marketers are going to be placing bids on it, you’re going to compete in that. If someone Googles a dress, chances are they are not looking for your dress. You’re going to get a bunch of traffic and you will lose. But you’re not going to get many people converting, which means you’re going to pay a high cost per click. But you won’t get many customers from it.
The same is true with SEO ranking results on Google. People will say, we want to rank for the word dress. The company sold very expensive merchandise, so their customers were not the type to go Google dress and then buy the dress. If you’re an entry-level dress company or an everyday dress that could work for a T-shirt, if you’re the best blank white T-shirt and you want to rank for T-shirt then maybe that could work. The more name brands are going to win a lot of the time with those keywords. If I’m Googling a T-shirt or Fruit of the Loom, that’s probably what I’m going to go for versus your random brand I’ve never heard of. But you’re going to spend a lot of money on people going, oh, but what’s this? Oh, that’s interesting. Maybe next time.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 6: Not understanding the buyer journey from beginning to end.
Why did you get to the top of the summit?
I work with very large brands. Some of them focus heavily on extremely high-level and high-volume topics. But the way they get there isn’t by just saying, hey, let’s go write an article about that keyword and we’re going to rank for dresses.
You create a body of content that tells the story that you have the best products, the most stylish products, and you are an expert on the topic. You understand the buyer journey. You have a massive infrastructure of dress-related content. Then you’re also buying and owning the digital real estate that tells the story of, ‘wow, these folks have everything I might need.’
The page you perform well for that is related to the explicit keyword you just mentioned also performs well for 28,000 other topics and the infrastructure around that is over 600 pages. The total volume of content related to that is over 1 million topics related to that concept alone.
To win there is like buying a brand-new niche dress brand. You shouldn’t be going for that because it requires a massive investment. Shoot for the achievable wins.
- Jeff Coyle, CEO, MarketMuse
Marketing Mistake 7: It’s not just about last touch attribution.
The direct to second-level correlation to value is what matters. This is a very common mistake that marketers still make. It’s not just about the last touch. It’s about everything they saw leading up to a point of purchase decision. It’s about the LinkedIn post that they read. It’s about the ads they saw. It’s about the content they read. When you don’t create that dossier of all the actions taken, you can’t qualify your leads properly. You can’t attribute the value of those elements. If you can get instant gratification from a paid campaign or do a math equation to qualify leads, people are more attracted to that because it’s easier in their brain. But it’s not the way you build a business.
- Jeff Coyle, CEO, MarketMuse
Marketing Mistake 8: Misaligned budget expectations.
Have smart expectations, understand the return on investment, and know what you’re getting into. Regardless of the type of digital marketing campaign you are building, so many companies take a shot at something high-level, not really knowing what would be needed for it to be successful. You are fighting big brands, whether it’s a big publisher or a big retailer. Know what that investment needs to be to fight giants.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 9: Only marketing to your existing customer base.
If you’re not introducing new customers into your sales funnel, you’re slowly dying.
This is where logic and being rational come into marketing. Let’s say you have a pool of people in your existing customer base. You’re introducing no one else and therefore, no one new is coming into your sales funnel. There is a high likelihood that one of those 10,000 people will fall off. Not to be morbid, but someone will die just as an extreme example. Over time, you’re going to lose some of those 10,000 people.
For example, a client was doing an incredible job with email marketing, retargeting, nurturing, and content marketing. These digital marketing tactics helped keep their existing customer base, but they did nothing to drive top-of-the-funnel traffic to increase new awareness of their company. They were trying to figure out why they were declining. From their perspective, they were doing so much, but they were missing this entire pillar.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 10: Every second you are not growing you’re shrinking.
Yes, you’re going to lose all of your customers over time.
Over time, you’re going to lose customers, whether it’s because they change their taste, they move, their phase of life changes or they pass away. Perhaps they have had enough of your product or service and don’t need it anymore. Whatever the reason is, many factors will drive your customers away. If you’re not filling your pipeline back up, you’re going to die as a company. You’re going to start to decline and you’re going to continue to decline if you do not consistently refill your pipeline.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 11: When it comes to marketing, there is no such thing as a winning streak.
For entrepreneurs, there is never a winning streak.
Even when things are going well, I am always looking at, what’s next? You have to be looking down the pipeline. Sometimes you have to stop and celebrate the wins and say, we’re winning, which I have to force sometimes because I’m naturally predisposed to say, we won this. We did this. We hit this goal. What’s next? What’s coming up for us in the next piece? As an entrepreneur, you have to adopt that mindset to continue growing and building a successful business.
If you want to build a big business, you have to constantly look at where you can improve. There is no winning streak because winning is being Amazon or Apple. If you’re not there yet, which I’m going to guess, Jeff Bezos is not in the crowd, and they’re doing the same thing, by the way, because for them now it’s- how do I double? How do I grow more? How do I take on more? Every entrepreneur has to have that mentality.
From a B2B marketing perspective, you have to constantly look at awareness, nurturing, and trust. Where are you weak in its current state? What part of the business do you need to do more in? Where do you need to invest more? When you grow a business, that should mean you have more resources, too. So now that I have more resources- am I doubling down on trust or am I putting more into awareness? Or am I putting more into nurturing?
At what scale and what ratio are we distributing awareness? Where do I feel my weak point is at this moment? Let’s double down on that.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 12: Measuring the ROI of Content Marketing against timelines that are too short.
Don’t pull the plug on content marketing too quickly. Content is a digital asset that grows over time.
Content marketing is hard to track, making it difficult to drive a direct line from the content you’re creating to the number of sales you’re driving, which is where a lot of direct response and performance marketers have a hard time with it. However, that doesn’t mean success is impossible.
A multi-billionaire out of New York was looking for agencies to partner with an incubator he built and he Googled, ‘What’s the best way to work with agencies?’ My Entrepreneur Magazine article about this topic popped up and he read it, looked at my name, looked me up and went, yeah, this guy sounds good and then called me. This content strategy success story was not a success right away; he found the article six months after I originally published it. Patience is a virtue when it comes to measuring B2B content marketing success. Attribution is not a straight line and is often delayed.
Content builds an excellent foundation for your company because it’s always there and you can always visit it, optimize it or update it for a quick lift in search results.
That article still drives inbound traffic to our site and drives new leads. You can build off it versus running Facebook ads or paid search ads on Google. They are great digital marketing tactics, but it is a hamster wheel.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake 13: Don’t only focus on quick wins.
Keep doing the things you know will be the message you want to put out there, which will build a long-term benefit to your business.
Whether it’s an article that you know will live forever about a topic that you think is important that you want to be associated with on search results.
For example, our digital marketing agency spent a lot of money on a book launch, and our marketing goals for the book are very high. From the benefit standpoint, I don’t think that I’m going to get an ROI on it over the next three or six months. I think it’s going to be the next decade or two that we get a benefit from this book. Do things you understand will help you long term, not just things that are shortsighted like- we need to drive sales next month. I watch too many brands and CMOS never graduate from that mentality.
Early on in a business, your timelines are short. You don’t have months or years to see if something works. A few years ago, I talked to my management team about upcoming marketing campaigns. It was October, and people kept saying, we’ll visit that in Q 1. We’ll get that done in Q 1, which drove me nuts. I started saying, “We’re out of business in Q 1, stop talking about Q 1. We don’t have that kind of time.” You have to get things done now. That urgency is really important, and it gets less important as a business matures. But you’re always balancing urgent and long-term foundation building.
The combination of tactics is most important to driving digital marketing success. Content marketing, digital advertising, nurturing pieces like email marketing and SMS and doing all these different pieces, influencer marketing, PR, etc.
Together, all of it starts to gradually build a foundation while you drive quick sales.
- Erik Huberman, CEO, Hawke Media
Marketing Mistake #14: Ignoring tradename search.
Don’t ignore the low-hanging fruit in digital marketing
Trade name search is the most basic type of paid search engine advertising. When someone Googles the name of your company, that is what you are bidding on. Every company on earth should do this, and yet, very few companies do.
I’m always surprised by how much low-hanging fruit even mature brands can leave on the digital performance marketing tree. On more than one occasion, my agency has taken over digital campaigns for large companies and wondered why they weren’t buying their own name in Google Ads. The common refrain is, “Well, I own the top organic result!”
Even when that’s true, that doesn’t stop competitors from placing ads on top of you, or prospective customers from scrolling past your most conversion-oriented results. Google’s data shows that the addition of a paid result in addition to a top organic result can drive as much as 50% more of your most engaged traffic.
The beauty of these campaigns is that they are quick to set up, cheap to fund, and consistently impressive performers. We implemented a brand search campaign for a large, multi-location school system soon after they hired us – and immediately realized 20%+ growth in their overall search lead bucket.
My agency built out a whole set of service offerings around the low-hanging fruit that businesses often miss. We call it the Core 4. Our Core 4 includes the paid brand search discussed above, along with conversion-focused landing pages (don’t pay to drive traffic to your homepage!), list targeting on social and display (use your CRM data to sell to your most loyal customers!), and smart visitor retargeting in social display (stay in front of unconvinced visitors while they make their complex buying decision!).
- Patrick Van Gorder, President, Level Agency
Marketing Mistake #15: Failure to align strategies.
There is a difference between going after whales versus millions of small fish.
Agencies deploy media with the same formula as e-commerce. Same mix; same reliance on the budget mix. Unfortunately, they don’t know how to handle the mathematics behind optimizing with very small sample sets. With E-commerce and direct-to-consumer goods, you have hundreds of thousands or millions of clicks to optimize against. In B2B, you’re targeting literally thousands of people in total.
The creative necessary to engage an audience and initiate interest is completely different than with consumer goods. Case studies, white papers, and client testimonials are completely different than a 15-second product video.
- Thomas Donohoe, CMO, Cuisine Solutions
Marketing Mistake #16: Focusing on the tech stack instead of the tactics.
Marketers must develop business transformation without reinventing the wheel or triggering runaway spending. Never focus on the brand-new platform that promises to revolutionize every marketing process. Instead, work to improve the tactics or campaigns that are either the lion’s share of effort or the lion’s share of dollars being spent and work to develop change within those large cogs in the wheel…then move to lower priority pieces of your marketing puzzle.
The most important role of marketing is to be tied to performance. You can’t transform every strategy in your marketing arsenal. Stack rank what works and/or campaigns that are really driving the most business outcomes (ex: revenue) and attack reinventing only the big pieces first accordingly.
- Thomas Donohoe, CMO, Cuisine Solutions
Marketing Mistake #17: Overlooking the key role marketers will play in engineering digital transformation.
Marketing is critical in every business ecosystem.
Marketing has already changed from a perfunctory effort that should happen because the competition is doing it to an important part of building a sales pipeline. In the future, it will become even more of a must-have, omnipresent, 24/7/365 piece of generating net new inquiries and will be the majority foundation of all sales pipelines in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing outreach. Marketing will overtake sales as the go-to engine for revenue generation. B2B marketers must be able to tangibly show mastery of being a reliable lever to generate a return on investment, growth, and corporate probability and/or stability.
- Thomas Donohoe, CMO, Cuisine Solutions
Marketing Mistake #18: Ignoring up-funnel attribution.
Do not ignore up-funnel attribution modeling across all digital touchpoints. Understanding on a click-through basis the advertisements that are shown to prospective business-to-business customers on the days, weeks, and months before they actually do something tangible that can be tracked to a lead is extremely important. Marketers must be sophisticated and tactical about digital advertisements that encourage users to do something in the future. The ultimate battleground in the future for business-to-business marketing is the complete mastery of up-funnel attribution modeling and C-suite decision-making.
- Thomas Donohoe, CMO, Cuisine Solutions
Marketing Mistake #19: Ignoring your Cost Per Acquisition (CAC).
As a direct response marketer, I am 100% focused on Cost Per Acquisition. The best way to measure digital marketing performance is to aggressively test across SEM, Paid Social, and DSP Display while driving all traffic to targeted landing pages built using best practice UX/UI to turn visitors into leads & customers. Have the reporting structure in place to track down the final KPIs like leads and sales and tie it back into the front-end advertising spend so you know by advertising channel, platform, keyword, and ad level the CAC/CPA and ROI. If you can’t track a marketing campaign down to the sale/new client/new customer level, you can’t determine ROI and CAC and should focus on where you can know that ultimate KPI. Your CAC is the most important number in your marketing and sales environment.
- Thomas Donohoe, CMO, Cuisine Solutions
Marketing Mistake #20: Believing that B2B Marketing doesn’t require PR.
While there are a ton of misconceptions about public relations and marketing, perhaps the biggest one is that PR is not necessary for a B2B marketing campaign.
No B2B Marketing campaign is complete without a B2B Public Relations Strategy.
How do you get started with B2B Marketing?
Thousands of leads are waiting to hear from you. Are you reaching them effectively? B2B marketing is complex, but with the help of a qualified marketing strategist, your business can achieve success. Without a well-thought-out B2B marketing plan, marketing mistakes are expensive, easy to make, and hard to recover from. Want to avoid making any further marketing and PR mistakes?
What does your B2B marketing plan look like? If your answer is, we don’t have one, let’s talk!
Transform your business with strategic marketing that converts.
Ruby Media Group can optimize your current communications plan with the launch of our new audit and consulting service. Contact us today to have a 360 audit of your content, PR, SEO, and marketing. We will provide recommendations, tweaks, and a thorough assessment to help you get the marketing wins your business deserves.
Are you spending money on digital PR but not getting the results you expected? Are you looking for more sales and leads? Get started with B2B marketing consulting services today.
An automated B2B marketing solution powered by Artificial Intelligence
Ruby Media Group deploys Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools to help enterprise customers reach B2B marketing and PR goals.
Founded by an experienced team of social media marketing professionals, Ruby Media Groups’ AI marketing services offer enterprise organizations premium access to the most sophisticated digital marketing tools and advanced technology on the market. Ready to harness the power of AI to achieve your company’s PR goals and objectives?
READ: How savvy marketers are leveraging artificial intelligence to create new opportunities for brands in B2B marketing.
Kris Ruby is the CEO of Ruby Media Group. Ruby is a B2B Marketing & PR Executive with 15+ years of experience generating B2B marketing leads.
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Date last updated: March 2024
KRIS RUBY is the CEO of Ruby Media Group, an award-winning public relations and media relations agency in Westchester County, New York. Kris Ruby has more than 15 years of experience in the Media industry. She is a sought-after media relations strategist, content creator and public relations consultant. Kris Ruby is also a national television commentator and political pundit and she has appeared on national TV programs over 200 times covering big tech bias, politics and social media. She is a trusted media source and frequent on-air commentator on social media, tech trends and crisis communications and frequently speaks on FOX News and other TV networks. She has been featured as a published author in OBSERVER, ADWEEK, and countless other industry publications. Her research on brand activism and cancel culture is widely distributed and referenced. She graduated from Boston University’s College of Communication with a major in public relations and is a founding member of The Young Entrepreneurs Council. She is also the host of The Kris Ruby Podcast Show, a show focusing on the politics of big tech and the social media industry. Kris is focused on PR for SEO and leveraging content marketing strategies to help clients get the most out of their media coverage.