PR For Startups: The Power of Public Relations For Your Startup

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PR for SaaS Startups Kris Ruby

How Can Startups Get Press Coverage?

How to Get Media Exposure for Your SaaS 

As a publicist, one of the most frequently asked questions I receive from entrepreneurs is, “How do I get PR for my startup?”

There are a few times when every business has something notable to share with media- starting your business is one of them!

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when launching a business is never actually utilizing PR when they first start their company.

Maybe they read an article that said not to use a PR firm or to try it on their own with DIY methods.

Most of the time, DIY PR efforts leave media opportunities on the table for entrepreneurs that could have been leveraged when they first launched.

I see it all the time.. people come to my agency years after starting a company and say, “We started a few years ago and we now want to do a launch.”

Unfortunately, we have to say that’s no longer newsworthy and you should have done a media launch when you first started your company.

You can’t turn back the clock.

PR For Startups: How to Earn Media Coverage for Your Startup.

Public Relations for Startup Companies

How should startup founders think about PR?

As a startup, it’s essential to get your name out there as much as possible to secure VC interest, funding, and potential investors. What better way to do that than by securing top-tier media coverage? But doing it yourself can be daunting – and even if you manage to snag a few articles, the results may not be as impactful as you’d hoped.

That’s where a PR firm comes in. A good agency will have the connections and expertise to help you secure media placements in major publications, TV shows, and podcasts. And because they have years of experience working with reporters and editors, they know how to craft your story in a way that will make headlines.

If you’re looking for some serious startup media exposure, hire our PR firm today. We’ve helped dozens of SaaS founders achieve placement in magazines, newspapers, TV shows, and podcasts. Imagine what these results could do for your business?


How to get press for your startup

PR is a secret weapon for B2B SaaS companies. The as featured in and as seen on logos are the envy of every startup founder. Every founder wants to secure media coverage in top-tier industry publications from day one, but the truth is, they don’t know how. This article will teach you the ropes from a 15+ year PR consultant.

From securing niche media mentions and leveraging them to bigger journalists to perfecting your pitch and creating unique PR narratives, Public Relations Expert Kris Ruby provides five tactical tips on how to get your startup in the media.

Why is PR important for startups?

PR is important for startups because it acts as a critical trust signal to users and Google, which can lower your website’s bounce rate and increase your conversion. Lower bounce rate and average session duration are important user signals, which are now fundamental to SEO.

Founders believe that the mere fact that they exist and launched a company is interesting or newsworthy. It is not. No one cares.

What the media cares about is:

  • How does product x impact the lives of our readers?
  • What is the outcome of this tool?
  • Does it save you time? Money? Headcount?

Too often, founders fail to provide basic data that reporters want- ie- funding numbers, revenue, projections, etc. You can’t ask for coverage and leave this critical information out.

Before pitching a media outlet, be able to answer this:

  • Who is X and what has X done or is he doing that warrants a story?

Founders also misunderstand that what they tweet can bomb a PR campaign. It makes no sense to spend weeks wordsmithing a pitch only to have a founder get in a very public Twitter feud and then the agencies attention is diverting to fixing that.

What does the PR process consist of for a startup?

A startup PR Campaign consists of the following elements:

  • Creating a newsworthy angle
  • Pushing to gain media attention
  • Gaining traction
  • Converting to customers/users/sales

The Key: quality assurance for your product or service. If you get traction but deliver a terrible user experience or your product is broken, PR won’t fix the underlying issue. It will exacerbate it.

Is Your SaaS Struggling to Get Media Exposure?

If you’re an enterprise SaaS Founder or CMO, you know how difficult it can be to get media exposure and publicity for your software. The competition is fierce, and it can be hard to break through the noise.

Why do startups need PR?

Trying to convince a reporter to write a profile on your business? It’s not as easy as you think.

After working with dozens of Startup Founders, the one mistakes many of them have made when pitching to investors is that their pitch deck did not include media mentions from notable media outlets. This hurt them against competitors who were more well-known and had invested in public relations before approaching investors. Simply put, what they learned is that PR is a necessity when it comes to pitch decks in Silicon Valley.

What is the value of PR for Founders?

“My experience with PR on the personal branding side has been getting published a couple of hundred times and being a guest on podcasts to get my name out there to build credibility. PR shifts the conversations I’m having and it shifts the narrative. There’s definitely more respect from prospects and clients because of the media exposure I have accumulated. I can see how it can directly impact our business.” -Robby Berthume

Why is PR essential for a startup?

Good press coverage helps you get more users, raise investor interest, retain top talent and grow your startup.

Public relations can make or break a startup.

By hiring a PR agent, a business can exponentially grow faster than a founder who tries to hack it on their own. For example, a company hired us to obtain media exposure for their launch. As a result of the media exposure, they received inquiries from targeted investors that opened up doors to them and new partnership opportunities. All of this was possible because of the publicity and media coverage we secured, which put them on the radar.

Evaluating the ROI of Startup Public Relations Services

What PR we are getting and how do we know it is worth it? For starters, what websites are writing about the company, and what is the domain authority of the media outlets? What is the volume of the media coverage on a monthly basis?

  • How much the media coverage influences the investors you speak to
  • How much it influences the success of the company in raising money

At a minimum, a successful PR campaign should result in increased Google search results for the company and for the founders names. Additionally, you should have enough media coverage secured to populate the “as seen on” page of your company website with media mentions.


How do I get PR & publicity for my startup?

Ruby Media Group, a top NY PR firm, helps startups get press coverage in prominent media outlets like TechCrunch, Forbes, IdeaMensch, Entrepreneur, and more. But if you can’t afford to hire a NY Public Relations agency to get PR for your startup, there are some other strategies and tactics you can use if you are bootstrapped.

  1. Business Press Releases
  2. Social Audio
  3. Directory Listings
  4. Launch a lifetime deal
  5. Join paid entrepreneur communities and search for hidden PR opportunities
  6. Create a media kit and link to it on your website
  7. Post on Subreddits
  8. Launch your SaaS product on ProductHunt to increase visibility
  9. Sponsor a paid newsletter that reaches your target audiences
  10. Hire a PR firm

What can a PR company do for a startup?

How to obtain top press mentions for startups.

If you have funding, startups should leverage digital PR when they have the chance.

Startups should leverage PR if they have the proper funding. You only have one opportunity to get it right.

The opportunity won’t come back around again, so make the most of it during your initial launch.

Our top New York PR firm helps founders with:

  • Startup branding
  • Founder personal branding
  • Content Marketing
  • Podcast guest booking
  • Digital PR

Paid Tools. One of the major advantages of working with a PR firm for your startup is access to paid tools. We pay thousands of dollars a year for a media CRM of thousands of journalists. This is an added bonus of working with a PR firm. The cost savings is passed on to you as the client.

Shop RMG’s tech stack here

Media Lists. Yes, anyone can build a media list on their own, but most people do not aggressively track and follow what media outlets reporters hop from and Cision is not up to date with these changes. A PR firm that works with these journalists has insider knowledge of the whereabouts of these journalists. Our media lists of technology journalists, editors, writers, and producers are updated weekly. When you build a media list, you are working off a cold database. When an agency builds a media list, it is not a starting point for media outreach, it is part of their daily workflow.

Media Relationships. When you hire a PR firm to get publicity for your startup, you are working off of the years of trust that the agency has with the media. This is much easier than building media relationships with your target publications on your own from scratch. This trust equity is passed on to you as the client.

Media Tracking. Our agency spends thousands of dollars a year on media tracking software to keep track of all of your pending press coverage. This helps measure the results of your public relations campaign and brand sentiment. We utilize dozens of social listening tools for brand monitoring. This cost is passed on to you as an agency client.

What is one tip for getting press coverage for a startup?

Create a PR Toolkit. Every Startup needs their own PR toolkit if they are not going to hire a PR firm. The benefit of hiring a PR firm is that the agency is already paying for these tools, which cost thousands of dollars a year. This is a huge saving for every startup.

How do I get new SaaS customers, users, and subscribers?

You are currently raising pre-seed funding round and are looking to get your name out there to attract investors in media outlets such as TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and Entrepreneur Magazine.

“We would like to really push the PR prior to launch, so for the next 3-4 months is key in targeting angels and VCs.”

PR= Legitimacy 

In order to raise funds, you need digital legitimacy- background articles written about you in mainstream media outlets will also help the traditional round of funding.

Budget PR into the raise

PR is an investment, not an expense. If you look at public relations as a reoccurring expense- you will be unhappy with the return.


How do you get your startup featured in tech news and major media publications?

Pitching news: Exclusives and Embargoes

When a story is strong enough, it is worthy of amplification and dissemination. Publicists secure media coverage in top-tier media outlets when there is a new big funding round worthy of national or international interest. An exclusive or embargo is also relevant if you have a dream media outlet you want to give your story to. Developing relationships with tech and business reporters is the first step to long-term media coverage.

Where to get online press coverage for your startup:

“How can I get free PR?” is a question every startup founder asks when they first launch their business. 

If you want to get free PR and online PR for your startup, explore all of your options.

PR has changed and it is no longer about traditional media placements. Forums, SubReddits, Lifetime deal sites, and paid newsletters are all an important part of an integrated digital public relations strategy.

What is the best way to get public relations for your startup?


Directory listings are a critical component of any digital PR campaign for a SaaS Founder. Popular sites and forums for entrepreneurs include:

Lifetime deal sites for Entrepreneurs

You may want to consider running a Lifetime deal if you are in SaaS. Lifetime deals can bring any startup a boost of publicity and attention. Popular Lifetime deal sites include:

Look at unconventional press hacks for PR opportunities including Reddit. Some of the most popular Reddit threads for entrepreneurs include:

Best Subreddits for Entrepreneur PR:

Join paid entrepreneur communities.

These communities often have a membership directory page that can include a backlink to your website and more visibility for your startup, too.

Get active in Facebook communities.

There are often hidden PR opportunities in Facebook groups. Search the groups for “PR opportunities” “press opportunities” or “writing articles” to see if anyone is looking to quote an expert. That expert could be you! The groups are often filled with investors, entrepreneurs and journalists, too.

Where to get press coverage for your startup:

  • (Features hundreds of tech/startup media outlets)


Sending out press releases is becoming obsolete.

The topic of B2B press releases comes up often in CEO business groups. Many Executives ask, “Is there any value in submitting a business press release?” If you’re not hiring a PR agency and submitting it through PRweb or PRNewswire and picking the top SEO package? Is it going to get you anywhere?

Press Releases are a great tool to execute corporate PR announcements for Fortune 500 companies or $20m in funding announcements, but they do not make sense for the everyday small business owner.

Entrepreneur Robby Berthume of Agency Match said, “I’ve done some press releases on my own but I’ve always used them to get more press from the business journal or other publications and use that as ammunition for deeper conversation.”

There is a lot of debate in the PR industry about the value of press releases. If you’re doing an acquisition or a big company announcement, there is still value in submitting a business press release. The real answer is: it depends on what industry and sub-section of the industry you work in.

Unless you are in tech or VC PR where you are constantly posting funding round releases, company announcement press releases or a new product line release, it is not a critical component of a regular PR campaign.

As a PR agency, we spend a lot of time pitching the media. If you have major news or you want to report a business acquisition, a press release makes sense. But in terms of the ongoing PR campaign, focus on pitching the media and working with your PR agency to create newsworthy angles for new media releases.

How do you announce a startup to the media?

Attention-grabbing headlines will secure reporters’ interest

The digital media landscape has changed in that many founders want to control the narrative by circumventing traditional media and speaking directly with their audience on places like Medium and Substack. While the methodology has changed, the role of communications and PR has not in the importance of shaping a narrative before public dissemination of media material.

After the initial announcement of the startup launch, you can also issue a series of quarterly business press releases as part of a digital public relations campaign.

  • Exclusive
  • Embargo
  • Funding announcement
  • Investment round
  • M & A deal
  • Breaking news
  • Corporate crisis
  • New product release
  • Product Launch
  • Entering a new market

How do I get publicity for my startup?

How startups can get major press coverage

The first step to obtaining publicity for your startup is to identify your narrative.

  • Who are the founders?
  • What makes the startup different or newsworthy?
  • What is the story?
  • How does this startup disrupt an industry?
  • What other articles have been written about the founders?
    • For example, is the founder a hometown success story?

When pitching your founder story to the media, ask:


How do I get PR for my startup?

How to obtain top press mentions for startups. Start by answering these questions:

  • How are you disrupting the industry?
  • What can you speak about that other people can’t?
  • Take a stance and have an opinion on what’s in the news.
  • Solve problems and add visual elements to your PR pitch to stand out.
  • Develop story angles from a reporter’s perspective, not a business owner.

Pro Tip: How can you deliver this storyline effectively?

How can I get my startup featured in TechCrunch?

If you pitch TechCrunch, tie the PR pitch into their editorial mission.

“Tech touches every aspect of our lives, from consumer tech to privacy.”

When you pitch this outlet, you must tap into the tech aspect of the editorial that connects to its mission statement.

Example angles include:

  • What does the talent pipeline look like at your early-stage startup?
  • Is your startup investing in talent and economic development?

Every pitch should answer:

  • Why this is of interest to their audience

Your pitch should include:

  • An author bio
  • Twitter handle


  • Send the pitch in a Google doc
  • They select the headline and image (not you!)
  • Length. Strength of argument is critical
  • Everything published is automatically tweeted
  • Don’t run articles published elsewhere

You may be asked to do the following:

  • Adapt, revise, or expand the article.

Be sure to:

  • Disclose any conflicts of interest.

“You know it’s an SEO attempt to do jujitsu.”

Contact preferences:

  • “Don’t call or text me or dm me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Email me.”


  • Domain expertise and personal expertise is better than research.
  • “I am a writer. I can research myself.”
  • Well-informed commentary on some new aspects of technology.
  • Fresh take
  • POV is well informed by what we do
  • “Thought leadership is great as long as you have actual experience in the thoughts you wish to lead.”
  • “We are not looking for drive-by-commentary and hot takes.”

Want more media pitch tips?

WATCH: How to create PR pitches that result in media coverage



Who are the best PR firms for early-stage startups?

A Highly Sought-After Tech PR Agency in Manhattan, New York | Ruby Media Group


Looking for a better PR strategy for your startup to move the needle? Ruby Media Group specializes in PR for startups. The top NY PR agency services clients from a range of industries, including tech, healthcare, and SaaS. Ready to get started? Hire a team of top New York public relations experts today. When it comes to public relations, Ruby Media Group knows how to get the job done. Our PR firm has helped dozens of founders get placed in magazines, newspapers, TV, and podcasts. We have a proven track record of success and can deliver the same results for your SaaS. Get the media attention you deserve.

Want to learn more about how to do PR for a startup?

Snag our ultimate guide to Media Relations & Pitching the Media.

SaaS PR Agency Services | PR Firm  | NYC

Want to get more press coverage for your startup? We love helping SaaS startups grow. Book a call with one of our New York PR consultants today. We have helped startups secure press coverage in prominent media outlets like TechCrunch, VentureBeat, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and 100+ media outlets. Our goal is to help entrepreneurs, executives, authors, speakers, and startups learn how to work with the press to get the best media coverage possible.

As a 15-year veteran of the public relations industry, Kris Ruby has helped Fortune 500 CEOS, renowned entrepreneurs, hot start-ups, professional speakers, consultants, and best-selling authors gain national media attention. Ruby has led global PR campaigns for Fortune 100 companies and VC-backed startups.

Our clients have been featured in Forbes, The NY TIMES, and The Wall Street Journal. What would that type of press and media exposure do for your business? Reach out today to learn more about our tech startup PR program.

Do you have a good, timely story that is worthy of more media attention?

Request a PR Audit & promote your Founder story.

Grow your SaaS business through free media exposure

Generate press and media coverage for your startup. Get Started Today.


Public Relations Expert Kris Ruby recently lead a special training for Propellant Labs: The Power of PR For Your Startup. In this interactive webinar, Ruby shared tips on how to earn media coverage for your startup.

Propellant Labs is a global launchpad for startups.  The online community of entrepreneurs and investors helps entrepreneurs build, launch, and grow their ventures. Startups participate in remote demo days with Silicon Valley and Southern California investors. Ruby spoke to over 35 Founders of the incubator cohort on how to leverage media exposure to build your business.

PR for Startups: Public Relations for Startups and Entrepreneurs



PR For Startups | How to Get Press

Entrepreneurs– do not make the mistake of skipping out on press when you first start your business.

This is one of the few times you will get a pass from the media as having something truly newsworthy to talk about. Use it!

As an entrepreneur, your time is valuable. Why waste it pitching yourself when a PR pro could do it for you?



Ruby Media Group creates High Profile personal brands for Startup Founders, CEOs and Executives. 

Ruby Media Group (RMG) is an award-winning Public Relations and Personal Branding Agency based in Westchester County, New York.

Ruby Media Group has over 15 years of experience in securing tier-1 media coverage and publicity for Executive thought leaders in newspapers, magazines, TV shows, podcasts, and more. The PR agency takes a holistic approach to media with a 3-step process: package, pitch, promote. 

RMG focuses on getting clients featured in major media outlets by building authority, organic search rankings, credibility, and industry expertise in trade publications, national media outlets, and business-building feature articles. RMG is responsible for thousands of media logos on the “As Seen On” pages of hundreds of business websites.

Ruby Media Group gets clients mentioned in the magazines and media outlets you read every day. Clients have been featured in Newsweek, Prevention, Readers Digest, Harpers Bazaar, Dr. Oz Magazine, Popsugar & more! We have extensive media experience in the nation’s top media markets including Manhattan, Los Angeles, and Boston. In addition to our proactive approach to pitching clients to the media, we also field daily requests from the media looking for expert sources to quote in national digital media outlets and trade publications. 

Ruby Media Group matches startup founders and companies with technology journalists, producers, influencers, and reporters. We propel your thought-leadership journey to Silicon Valley.

With over a decade of experience in strategic media relations, Ruby Media Group knows what the media wants and we are a trusted source for journalists. Effective media relations is not only about how to write a pitch, it is also about your relationship with producers, bookers, and journalists. RMG has executed publicity campaigns for leading entrepreneurs, top hotels, notable doctors, and more. RMG’S unique approach to digital PR and content marketing drives measurable SEO results for clients.

We’ve helped hundreds of companies get the media exposure and publicity they deserve. We pitch you to media outlets, do the heavy lifting, and leverage our trusted industry contacts. We’re not just another faceless PR firm. We’re a team of passionate storytellers who are dedicated to helping you succeed. We’ll work with you to craft a narrative that resonates with the media and your users. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, we’re ready to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get the media attention you deserve.


Ruby Media Group CEO Kris Ruby is frequently quoted in national media outlets on startup publicity tactics.

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SEJ: 15 Ways Lean Startups can Maximize PR/Marketing Opportunities

YFS MAGAZINE: 5 Smart Ways PR Can Grow Online Brand Awareness 

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