Top Tips to Re-Engage Your Social Media Audience

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Social Media Engagement Tips

There’s only a finite amount of time any company can spend on social media marketing on the growing number of new social media platforms. Which begs the question, where should you invest your time as a business owner? 

After you have decided where to invest your time as a business owner, the next critical question is, am I spending this time wisely? Am I posting for the sake of posting, or am I actually looking at what works?

I recently read a great article by Drew McLellan titled, would your movie be all about you? The article discussed the 10-year Anniversary Facebook movies Facebook allowed users to create. McLellan wrote, “If your Facebook Business Page had a movie, what content would show up in it that your fans took the time to enjoy?” 

“Seems like this movie gift was a good reminder to all of us that Facebook, whether it is our personal page or a business page, is all about the audience and what they care about.”  

The key takeaway is that social media should be about what our customers care about, not what we care about. Brands need to double down on investing in what works. But before you can do that, you need to refocus on what your customers care about. What is in it for them? 

Why does the audience care about the post? 

What does your audience truly care about? This is the fundamental item in any social media strategy. If you are a realtor, your audience doesn’t care about your new hair color. They care about lending tips, market trends, and how to make the most of their investment in a new home. 

It’s not about you, it’s about them.

social media strategy engagement tips










Why is your audience following you in the first place? They follow what you can do for them or provide them with, and unfortunately, most brands forget this point. This is where many social media strategies go off course. Before the train goes in the wrong direction, course correct and realign with your core value proposition and why customers buy from you. 

What do they want to know from you that only you can share? 

Which social media platforms do you engage with as a brand and why? Conversely, which do you not bother with anymore? Give yourself permission to drop what no longer works for your business. Let it go and try something new. 

Social Media Listening: Ruby Media Group gathers critical insights on brands and industry intelligence by monitoring social media conversations related to our client’s products or services, analyzing sentiment and trends, and identifying opportunities for brand engagement.

RMG’s top tips to re-engage, re-energize, and re-fuel your social media content strategy.

Looking for ways to re-engage your social media audience? 

Here are some of our top ideas for your business to re-engage your social media fans and community.

Remember who your top followers are. Reply to your followers who frequently engage with your brand. Every brand has their top ten evangelists. Engage with them and remember that those people are your best fans. If you lose their attention, you have lost the plot. If they aren’t engaging, that signals a larger strategic issue with your content strategy. 

Optimize performance metrics. Review your Facebook analytics and insights and look at the top ten highest ranked posts. What did your fans care about most? What type of content did they like and share the most? Tweak your content strategy accordingly to what your fans find most interesting, not what you find most interesting. Be willing to drop continent formats that fans do not respond to and/or that are not performing well. Optimization is about optimizing what works and dropping what doesn’t. Be dedicated to a rigorous culture of performance optimization. 


Monitor Selfie Hashtags for your Brand. Create a selfie campaign for your customers. User generated content can serve as a powerful tool for brands to connect with their customers. Search the hashtag of your brand on Instagram and Twitter and review what comes up. What photos do people post with the hashtag when they are using your service, dining at your restaurant, or experiencing your brand for the first time? Connect with that content and make it a core focus of your social media marketing strategy.

Tell Better Stories. Understand your brand’s story and tell it in new ways to meet the evolving needs of your customers. One of the top mistakes brands make on social media is using social media as a spammy promotional tool versus a storytelling tool. Understand what story your brand is trying to tell, and use social media as a way to tell the story. Every post every day should be a different way to tell the central story. There is a direct correlation between positive brand storytelling and user engagement.

Measure. The best way to re-engage fans is to measure what is working. Measure what your fans really connect with. Another big mistake brands make is getting lost in the editorial content calendar shuffle. They are so obsessed with posting and keeping up with the social media rat race that they forget to actually measure what’s working. Pause. If you are not continually measuring what yields the greatest impact with your audience, you will lose followers, and it will ultimately damage the value of the community you are trying to create.

What advice would you give other companies on the best way to leverage social media for business?

When you find what works, stick with it. Narrow down the strategy to the platform that yields the highest conversion rate. Double down on engagement, optimization, output and production. 

Top Social Media Marketing & Public Relations Firms in New York | Trusted PR Expertise 

Westchester, it’s time for expert PR and social media strategies tailored specifically for your brand.

Ruby Media Group has built a solid foundation and a strong track record of delivering impactful PR and social media marketing campaigns for clients. Over the past 15 years, the award-winning Westchester County PR agency has developed a strong reputation for its results-driven approach, innovative strategies, and personalized attention to clients. They have been recognized with numerous industry awards and accolades for their work in public relations and social media marketing.

Ruby Media Group’s success can be attributed to our ability to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape, staying up to date with the latest marketing trends and technologies, and pioneering the field to new heights. Our agency has embraced the power of social media, influencer marketing, and content creation to drive brand awareness and engagement for clients.

For more helpful social media tips for your Westchester, Greenwich or Manhattan business, contact kruby @ ruby