Top 7 Marketing & PR Trends to Look Out For in 2015


It’s a new year, which means there is a whole new set of PR and marketing trends to look out for when planning your campaigns! Instead of sifting through all of the trends, we have done the work for you! Here are some of the top marketing & PR trends to consider as you lay out your 2015 PR plan:

1) Mobile is continuing to grow

As of 2014, 58% of Americans own a smartphone, which means 58% of the population has immediate access to the Internet right in the palm of their hands. To keep up with this trend, marketers must optimize their brands for mobile. Having your own and mobile-friendly content is necessary to keep up with consumers needs.

2) Real-Time Marketing is the optimal time to market effectively

Real-time marketing is no longer just a good idea, but necessary for any successful communications plan. Due to the increased use and adoption of social media, responding in real-time to customers will be a necessary function of B2C marketing.

3) Visual Content is the New King

Today’s social media-dominated society is seeing a steady increase in the popularity of visual content marketing. Studies have shown that 90% of the information the brain receives is visual, and our brains process visual content up to 60,000x faster than text. Posts containing, photos, videos, infographics and memes are easy to digest and make it even more enticing to “like” or “share” a post, which increases exposure.

4) Standard, text-heavy press releases are going to become obsolete

Visual content in press releases is becoming more popular rather than text-dense press releases. Use visuals to cut through the expected press release mold and stand out.

5) Mom’s are a hot demographic to target

There are 82.5 million Moms in the U.S. who spend roughly $2.5 trillion annually. Do not underestimate the buying power of Moms! More women are becoming the financial managers of their household and using this information to make smart purchasing decisions. Think about how your brand can help a busy mother save time to appeal to this target demo.

6) Quality brand content beats out quantity

As always, quality supersedes quantity. You are better off having a handful of high quality content, than then releasing daily posts that will seem like white noise to your followers. spam to your followers.

7) The paid, earned and owned strategy is still relevant

With a well-thought-out digital public relations strategy, paid media is still critical. Just because social media makes content more accessible, does not mean that the public has forgotten about traditional forms of media. Your overall PR plan should include an integrated communications plan for maximum exposure.