My Experience with The Y.E.C/ Y.E.C. Women & Business Tips!

Recently, I have been extremely involved with The Young Entrepreneur Council  started by Scott Gerber, Natalie MacNeil and Ryan Paugh. I completely believe in this group, and I believe in their mission. As an entrepreneur, it is the best group I have ever gotten involved with. I am so grateful to be part of such a fantastic group of innovative thinkers who are paving a new road towards entrepreneurship as a viable career path. I can’t even keep up with all of the latest links- so here is a compilation of some of my business thoughts that have been featured on the Y.E.C. and different media outlets recently, including Huffington Post, FOX Business, AMEX Open Forum, AOL, FORBES and more.

AOL: Personal Branding: How to Get Noticed by the Right People — for the Right Reasons

My tip: Let go!

In order to build an authentic personal brand, let go of any preconceived notions you have of what is “acceptable” to post on Twitter and Facebook. Many people fall into this trap of writing tweets and posts that are so cookie-cutter-like that they appear to not have any personality or personal brand at all online! Create a presence that is unique and match your posts accordingly! Tips on Creating Effective Blogs

My Tip:

Communicating with customers, business partners, and employees is the key to success in our increasingly social world. But doing so effectively can be daunting, especially at the beginning. Tips on how to get started and how to keep going.

Cross Linking

One of the best ways to build buzz for your article is to include interviews with well-known sources who will promote the article once it goes live. Leverage their built-in networks and fan base to carry your article. The more they promote your work, the more likely you will be to build a solid fan base. Promoting others in your article is a great way to promote your writing!

17 Must-Have Mobile And Web Apps For Entrepreneurs

My Tip: My GPS

My GPS is my most important mobile device. Some people download GPS apps on their phone to help them get around, but for me, I would be lost in my business without a solid GPS that I can depend on. Any apps related to navigation are very important for entrepreneurs to have so you don’t show up late to a meeting with a prospect or client. No one has time to print out directions from mapquest anymore. For more, read here


Loss of Passion: When entrepreneurs start businesses, they wrap their identities around the specific niche their business is in. While other people in the workforce have more time to experiment with “who they want to be when they grow up,” entrepreneurs often feel locked into the sect of the industry their business is in. Don’t be afraid to change courses if your passion has changed- allow yourself room to grow. For more, read here


Myth: You shouldn’t “friend” your competitors.

Due to the rise of social media, it is common to see competitors following each other on Twitter or “friending” one another on Facebook. We live in a digital world, where everything is transparent — even Coke and Pepsi follow each other on Twitter! Try to be friendly to your competitors in social media sites; companies that don’t “friend” competitors or follow each other look like sore losers.

ENTREPRENEUR MAGAZINE: How Saying ‘No’ Saved My Business, Feature Story:

When starting out, having a passion for your business can be an asset. But when that passion leads you to take on any project that becomes available, it can spread an entrepreneur so thin that it leaves her struggling to maintain focus — and her business.

Take Kris Ruby, for example. As a 2009 graduate of Boston University’s College of Communication, Ruby had a job lined up as a social media strategist for a national company. She left that position after two months to set out on her own to form Ruby Media Group, a social media consulting firm. For more, read here

MASHABLE: How to Make a Successful Marketing Video for the Web

My Tip: Have Fun With It!

“The best web videos are ones that incorporate comedy. People like to share videos with their networks that are funny, inspiring or thought-provoking. The standard ‘sales/ promotional’ videos will not become viral. Follow David Meerman Scotts‘ motto that ‘No one cares about your marketing except you,’ and try to create funny content that other people will want to share with their colleagues.” For more, read here

MASHABLE: 8 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Get More Out of Twitter


My Tip: Engage With Your Followers

After running Ruby Media Group, a social media and personal branding agency for over a year now, my best tip for using Twitter to market to customers and fans is to not market! This sounds contrary to everything traditional marketers know, but the best companies on Twitter create conversations with fans and become “followers” of their lives, making their product embedded into their daily lives. For more, read here How To Create Effective E-Mail Marketing Campaigns

“My best email marketing tip is for people to add links to their social media accounts in their signatures. If your company is recently new to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, add the links to increase new followers. One of attorney clients landed his biggest deal yet by adding in his LinkedIn link to his email signature. His web bio differentiated him from the competitor and served as a value prop.”

HUFFINGTON POST: Young Entrepreneur Council: What’s The Best Way To Increase The Size Of Your Network?

My Tip: Tap Social Media For Personal Branding

The best way to increase the size of your network is to create and enhance your personal brand in digital communities. Personal branding is critical for gaining brand equity in social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Increase your network by sharing relevant content and always striving to add value to the conversation. People will naturally be intrigued and want to follow you.

Young The Best Way To Get Client Referrals

My Tip: Digital Referrals and “Word of Mouse” Marketing

The best way to get your clients to refer you to other clients is via social media “word of mouse” viral marketing. Digital testimonials, specifically on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are great ways to share past testimonials of work completed with your entire network! People are more likely to trust peer reviews and recommendations as opposed to ads. Digital referrals are the best referrals!

HUFFINGTON POST: How To Bridge Cash Flow Gaps

My Tip: Focus on Revenue Generating Activities: The largest problem entrepreneurs face is the pull between revenue generating and “brand building” activities which do not generate in steady cash flow.To bridge cash flow gaps, focus on your top 3 revenue generators and put your “brand building” on hold.Focus on what is actually driving new business and what has worked!Create products that are priced to sell, rather then selling high-priced items.

MASHABLE: 10 Online Tools and Tips for the Budding Entrepreneur

My Tip: Make Use of Virtual Offices

After a year and a half in business, I moved into my first office at Stark Office Suites. It was the best decision I ever made. I was able to move in and start working immediately without worrying about Internet or phones, and I even have a receptionist answering calls for me. If you are on a shoestring budget, utilize services like Stark Office Suites or Regus, which will keep your overhead to a minimum. For more, read here

Under30CEO: 8 Ways to Market Your Store with Services Like Foursquare and Facebook Places

Question: I want to start using services such as Foursquare and Facebook Places to market my store. What types of promotions and contests would you recommend I run to get traction and results?

My Tip: Exclusivity for fans


Facebook and Foursquare are particularly effective for marketing restaurants and B2C promotions. To get results, I would recommend offering fans and followers special promotions that are only available if you are a fan or follower of the store. Only enable your Facebook fans or Twitter followers to be eligible for contest entry and reward your Foursquare “Mayor” by giving them a special discount. For more, read here